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The British Society for Genetic Medicine (BSGM) represents health professionals working in specialised genetic services in the NHS and scientists and health professionals in medical research.
The society welcomes anyone working professionally within human genetics in the UK. People who are not based in the UK can become overseas affiliates; they are not eligible for election to the council, but otherwise enjoy the same privileges as full members.
Latest News and Events from across the BSGM.
Information on Genetics, Education and Resources.
Our Annual Conference 'BSGM 2014' will be held at the
Arena and Convention Centre, Liverpool
22nd - 24th September 2014
Programme and Abstracts
BSGM Conference 2014 22nd - 24th September Arena and Convention Centre, Liverpool
The next UK Dysmorphology Club Meeting will be held on 11 December 2013 from 10:00 - 16:00 at the Kennedy Lecture Theatre, Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street London WC1N 1EH
Cost - £10-00, Register on the day.
Mid-morning and afternoon tea/coffee
Invited Lecture 13:00 - 13:30
The BSGM (previously known as the BSHG) is an independent body representing UK human genetics professionals. Its Constituent Organisations and Special Interest Groups are:
Constituent Organisations:
Special Interest Groups:
Briefing is Genomics England's regular email newsletter which aims to keep everyone who has shown an interest informed about Genomics England and the 100K Genome Project.
British Society for Genetic Medicine (BSGM)
Clinical Genetics Unit
Birmingham Women's Hospital
United Kingdom
B15 2TG
© The British Society for Genetic Medicine | Registered Charity No.105882 | Web Development by Chocolate Grape